Best-in-Class Competitor Analysis for Courses (Free Template)

SEO Strategies of Competing Online Courses Revealed

If there was one thing I would suggest to any course creator ist is to master the art of competitor analysis.

Looking into what other course creators are doing can save you months of trial and error, time and money.

You’re searching for special spots that aren’t filled yet, which could make your online course a big hit.

Without a clear guide, though, it’s easy to lose your way.

I’ve been in online marketing for over 20 years, creating courses and helping clients create niche courses that have earned more than $1 million around the world.

At Networth Nomads, we know how important it is to analyse the competition. It’s not just about watching what they’re doing; it’s about really understanding the situation, spotting gaps and avoiding mistakes.

In this post l’ll help you find a way to make your course really stand out.


The Why and What of Competitor Analysis

The Importance of Competitor Analysis: Why understanding your competition can be a game-changer. 

Think of your online course as your ship in a vast ocean. Around you, there are countless other ships, all aiming for the same treasure: students’ attention and enrolment.

Now, imagine if you knew exactly where the other ships were heading, their speed, and their strengths. You could navigate your ship to less crowded waters or find a faster route to the treasure. That’s what competitor analysis does for you.

Understanding your competition is crucial. It helps you see what’s working (and what’s not) in your field. This insight allows you to tailor your courses, making them more appealing and valuable to your audience.

It’s not about copying what others are doing. It’s about finding your unique space in the market.

By knowing the landscape, you can make smarter decisions, avoid common pitfalls, and identify opportunities to stand out.

When I launched my first online course in 2012, It was the first of it kind in football player development.

Therefore it was tough to analyze competitors since there weren’t any in my niche.

However, I noticed the online fitness industry was growing, with a few successful health and fitness programs. So, I went deep into their methods, how they engaged audiences, and their sales processes.

This gave me insights into structuring my course content and sales pages. Combined with my previous sales experience, I created a program that still sells automatically today.

Navigating the Course Creation Landscape: Unlocking Success Through Competitor Analysis

Defining Your Competitors: Differentiating between direct, indirect, and potential competitors. 

Not all ships in the ocean are heading to the same treasure or pose the same level of threat to your journey. Similarly, not all competitors are the same. 

Direct Competitors: These are the other courses that offer the same knowledge or skills as yours.

Think of them as ships sailing directly towards the same treasure you are. Knowing these competitors helps you understand your direct competition for students. 


Indirect Competitors: These might be courses in related fields or different subjects that could still attract your potential students.

These are like ships looking for a different treasure but could convince others to join their quest instead of yours.

Understanding these helps you see a broader view of the market. 


Potential Competitors: These are courses or creators not yet in your space but could enter it in the future.

They’re like ships on the horizon, not a threat now, but they could be soon.

Keeping an eye on these helps you anticipate and prepare for future competition. 


By clearly defining who your competitors are, you can tailor your strategies more effectively.

It helps you focus your efforts on outmaneuvering the right ships and ensuring your course gets the attention and success it deserves. 


How To Create A Profitable Course, Make Your First $10k, & Scalable Passive Income

Conducting Your Competitor Analysis 

Step-by-Step Guide 

Competitor analysis might sound complex, but it’s just about getting to know the other players in your field. Here’s how to do it simply: 

1. Identify Your Competitors: Start with a quick Google search. Type in the topics your course covers and see who else is teaching them.

2. Analyze Their Strategies: Look at their websites and social media. What kind of content do they share? How do they engage with their audience? 

3. Compare Their Courses to Yours: Note down what topics they cover. See if they offer something you don’t. 

4. Learn From Their Reviews: Check out their student feedback. It can show you what they’re doing right and where they might be slipping. 

Identifying Market Gaps for Online Courses

Analysing Course Content

Peering into the heart of your competitors’ courses can unveil a wealth of information, guiding you to refine your own courses to better meet, and exceed, your students expectations.

Here’s a focused approach to dissecting course content effectively:

Content Quality: Start by examining the clarity and accessibility of their material.

High-quality content is not just about the depth of information provided but also how easily digestible it is for the audience.

Consider if the content is engaging—does it use multimedia elements like videos, infographics, and interactive assignments to break up text and keep students engaged?

An engaging course is more likely to hold students attention and facilitate better understanding of the subject matter.

Engagement: Engagement mechanisms within a course can significantly enhance the learning experience and lead to better results.

Look for elements like quizzes, interactive exercises, forums, and discussion boards.

These features not only make learning more interactive but also provide students with the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned, ask questions, and interact with peers.

Assess how these tools are integrated into the competitors’ courses and how they contribute to the overall learning journey.

Engagement metrics, such as completion rates and community activity, can also offer insights into the effectiveness of these strategies.

Uniqueness: Identifying what sets a competitor’s course apart is crucial for carving out your own niche.

Consider the content’s angle or perspective—does it address a gap in the market, or offer a unique approach to the subject matter?

Perhaps the course incorporates case studies, real-world projects, or bespoke frameworks that differentiate it from others.

Understanding these unique selling points can inspire you to innovate within your own courses, ensuring they offer something that no one else does.

When analyzing competitors’ courses, it’s essential to approach the task with an open mind.

Look for strengths and weaknesses in their offerings and think critically about how you can apply these learnings to enhance your own courses.

Improving content quality, fostering engagement, and highlighting uniqueness are key strategies to ensure your courses not only compete but stand out as leaders in the online education space.

Success Story

Emily, a keen chef, join our Online Course Accelerator program with a dream of sharing her cooking skills online.

While studying her competitors, she noticed that successful cooking courses provided extensive recipe collections with easy-to-follow video guides.

Inspired by this, Emily assembled her own set of unique recipes and recorded detailed cooking demonstrations for each dish.

This practical approach not only made her course user-friendly for beginners but also improved the learning journey.

Today, Emily’s program, “Cooking Made Simple,” remains popular among home cooks looking to refine their culinary abilities.


How To Create A Profitable Course, Make Your First $10k, & Scalable Passive Income

Pricing Strategies 

Understanding course pricing is crucial to the success of you launch.

To get a clear picture of how your competitors price their courses and why, consider these steps:

Compare Prices: First up, you want to get a feel for the price of their core offer and compare it to yours. 

Are they more expensive, or do they charge less?

This comparison gives you a baseline understanding of the market rates.


Value Proposition: What do  students receive for their investment.

Beyond just video content, are there additional supports like personal feedback, downloadable resources, or access to a community forum?

Understanding the full package can reveal why a course is priced a certain way.


Discounts and Offers: Keep an eye on any promotions or campaigns your competitors run.

Frequent sales or special offers, like early bird pricing or bundle deals, can significantly boost enrolment numbers. This strategy might be something to consider if you’re looking to attract more students to your course.


Grasping these elements of your competitors’ pricing strategies can offer insights into market expectations and how you might adjust your pricing or offerings for competitive advantage.

Success Stories of Online Course Creators After Competitor Analysis

Identifying Market Gaps and Opportunities

Finding the Gap: Techniques for spotting opportunities that others have missed.

Spotting what others haven’t is like finding gold in the river. It’s there, but you need to know where to look. Here’s how you can do it:

Listen to Your Audience: People often talk about what they wish they had. Forums, social media, and comments on related blogs are gold mines for this.

Check Competitor Reviews: Look at the feedback on your competitors’ courses. What are people complaining about? What are they praising? This can show you what’s missing.

Trend Analysis: Use tools like Google Trends to see what’s getting attention. A rising trend with few courses available could be your opportunity.

Survey and Ask: Don’t guess. Ask your potential students (and previous students) what they need. Use surveys, interviews or direct questions on social media.

Leveraging Your Unique Strengths: How to use your unique selling proposition (USP) to fill those gaps.

Now, you’ve found the gap. How do you fill it? By using what makes you special. Here’s how:

Identify Your USP: What can you do better than anyone else? Maybe it’s your teaching style, your expertise, or even your course format.

Match Your USP to the Gap: Link your strength directly to what’s missing in the market. If there’s a demand for more practical exercises and that’s your forte, highlight it.

Show, Don’t Tell: Use testimonials, case studies, and demos to show how your USP addresses the gap effectively.

Communicate Clearly: Make sure your marketing messages clearly explain how your course fills the gap. Use simple, direct language.

Filling market gaps with your unique strengths isn’t just about doing something different; it’s about doing something better and making sure everyone knows it.

And we show you exactly how to do this in our Free Course Launch & Passive Income Masterclass

We actually carried out a competitor analysis a couple of years ago, and noticed a significant gap in what aspiring course creators wanted/needed: building their own sales funnels. Surprisingly, none of our competitors addressed this need.

So, we developed 12 comprehensive sales funnel templates, covering every step to attract and enrol students.

These templates, included free in our Online Course Accelerator, have already generated over $1 million for our clients.

Crafting a Unique Value Proposition for Your Online Course

Learning from the Competition

5 Key Lessons I Have Learned Over the 20 Years from Analysing Competitors

1 – Never Underestimate Niches: Sometimes, the smaller, focused topics are gold mines.

Competitors might ignore them, thinking they’re too narrow. But that’s where you can shine (and you can always build out your offer in the future to widen your niche).


2 – Consistency Beats Flashiness: It’s tempting to chase after the latest trends.

However, being consistent in quality and delivery often holds more value for your audience.


3- Feedback is Gold: Your competitors might be missing out on leveraging feedback.

Listen to what their audience is saying, and use it to improve your courses.


4- Collaboration Over Competition: I’ve learned that partnering with so-called competitors can lead to incredible growth opportunities.

There’s plenty of space for everyone.


5- Adaptability is Key: Markets change, and so should your strategies.

Staying flexible and adapting based on competitor behavior and market trends keeps you ahead.


What Not to Do: Common Pitfalls in Competitor Analysis and How to Avoid Them

Copying Blindly: It’s one thing to learn from competitors; it’s another to copy them.

This can backfire, making you blend in rather than stand out.


Ignoring Your USP: Focusing too much on competitors might lead you to downplay what makes you unique.

Always amplify your unique selling proposition (USP).


Data Overload: Getting swamped with too much data can paralyze decision-making.

Focus on key insights that directly impact your strategy.


Neglecting New Entrants: It’s easy to focus on established players and ignore the newcomers.

Yet, these fresh faces often bring innovative ideas worth watching.


Static Analysis: Competitor analysis isn’t a one-off task.

The market evolves, and so should your understanding of the competitive landscape.


By steering clear of these common pitfalls and embracing the lessons learned from years of observation and adaptation, you’re well on your way to carving out a successful niche for your online courses.

Remember, competitor analysis is as much about understanding your position in the market as it is about recognizing the ever-changing dynamics of online education.

Networking Opportunities for Course Creators: Building Connections in the Industry

Actionable Strategies for Outperforming Competitors

Creating Superior Content: Strategies for developing more engaging, informative, and valuable course content.

To stand out, your online course must offer something special.

Here’s how to make your content shine brighter than the rest:

Understand Your Audience: Dive deep into what your students truly need. Use surveys or feedback to tailor your content.

Use Real-Life Examples: Nothing beats learning from real situations.

Include case studies or stories from your own experience to make lessons stick.

Interactive Elements: Add quizzes, interactive videos, or tasks. This makes learning active, not passive.

Update Regularly: Keep your content fresh. Update it with the latest info or trends to keep students coming back.

Creating top-notch content takes work, but it’s what makes students choose you over others.


Innovative Marketing Strategies: Beyond traditional marketing – using your competitor analysis to find new ways to reach your audience.

Your competitors are likely using tried and tested marketing tactics. Here’s how you can do it differently:

Leverage Social Media: Find where your potential students hang out online.

Use those platforms to share valuable insights or tips, not just ads.

Content Marketing: Write helpful blog posts or guides related to your course topic.

This establishes your authority and draws in interested learners.

Email Campaigns: Offer something valuable for free in exchange for email sign-ups.

Then, use the list to share helpful content and course updates.

By thinking outside the box, you can reach more people in a way that feels genuine and engaging.


Building a Stronger Brand: How a solid brand identity can set you apart in a crowded market.

A strong brand tells the world who you are and what you stand for. Here’s how to build yours:

Define Your Mission: What’s your course’s purpose? Make this clear in everything you do.

Consistent Visuals: Use the same colours, fonts, and style across all your materials. This makes you easily recognizable.

Personal Touch: Share your journey. Let students see the person behind the course. This builds trust and connection.

Your brand is your course’s personality. Make it memorable, and students will remember you.

Visual Guide: Course Creation Process Infographic for Aspiring Course Creators

Keeping Your Edge

Staying Updated: Tips for continuously monitoring the competitive landscape and adapting your strategy

Here’s how you can keep a watchful eye on your competitors and tweak your strategy to stay ahead:

Set Google Alerts: For keywords related to your course topics. This simple step keeps you in the loop on what’s new and trending.

Use Social Media: Follow your competitors on platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. It’s a goldmine of information on their latest moves.

Regular Competitor Analysis: Every few months, take a deep dive into your competitors’ offerings. Look for new features or content they’ve introduced.

Attend Industry Events: Online webinars and conferences are not just learning opportunities. They’re networking gold and offer insights into industry trends.

Feedback Loop: Create a system to gather feedback from your students about what they see elsewhere and what they’d love to see in your courses.

Remember, it’s not about copying what others are doing. It’s about understanding the landscape and finding ways to innovate and improve your offerings.


Engagement and Community Building: How to create a loyal community around your courses, making it harder for competitors to lure them away

Creating a community is about more than just teaching; it’s about building relationships.

Here’s how you can cultivate a loyal community around your courses:

Offer Exclusive Content: Make your students feel special by offering content that’s only available to them. Think of webinars, Q&A sessions, or bonus materials.

Create a Forum or Group: Platforms like Facebook or Slack are great for this. It lets your students interact with each other, share successes, and ask questions.

Personal Touch: Send personalized emails or messages to students.

Congratulate them on milestones or check in if they’ve been quiet.

Student Showcases: Share your students’ success stories with your community.

It not only motivates newcomers but also strengthens the bond within the community.

Engagement Activities: Organize live sessions, contests, or group challenges. It keeps the learning fun and interactive.

Building a community takes effort, but it’s worth it. When students feel a part of something bigger, they’re less likely to jump ship for a competitor.

Plus, a vibrant, engaged community is the best marketing tool you’ll ever have.

SEO Strategies of Competing Online Courses Revealed


Why is competitor analysis important for course creators?

Competitor analysis is crucial for course creators as it illuminates the competitive landscape, revealing gaps and opportunities within the market.

By understanding what others offer, you can differentiate your course, target underserved areas, and strategically position your content to attract and retain students. This insight helps in refining your marketing strategies and enhancing your course’s appeal to stand out.


How can I identify my main competitors in the online course market?

Start by searching for courses that offer similar content or target similar audiences.

Use keywords related to your course in search engines and explore educational platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning.

Also, pay attention to social media and online forums where your target audience hangs out, as they may discuss other courses they’re considering or have taken.


What tools are recommended for conducting a competitor analysis?

For conducting a competitor analysis, several tools are highly recommended, including SEMrush for comprehensive SEO insights, BuzzSumo for content strategy analysis, and SimilarWeb for website traffic and engagement data.

These platforms offer invaluable insights into your competitors’ strategies and performance, helping you refine your own approach effectively.

How often should I perform a competitor analysis for my online course?

Performing a competitor analysis for your online course should ideally happen every quarter.

This frequent review allows you to stay ahead of industry trends, adapt to any significant changes, and refine your strategies to maintain competitiveness.

It ensures your course remains relevant and appealing to your target audience.


What key factors should I look for when analyzing my competitors’ courses?

Focus on content quality, course structure, pricing, student engagement methods, and marketing strategies.

Look at how they present their course, the depth of their content, their pricing model, how they interact with students, and how they promote their courses.

These insights can help you identify areas for improvement and opportunities to differentiate your offering.

Can market demand vary by region or demographic?

Yes, market demand for courses can vary significantly by region or demographic. Different geographical areas and demographic groups have unique preferences and learning needs. For instance, a course popular in one country may not resonate in another. Similarly, what appeals to one age group might not interest another, making tailored research essential.


How can I use competitor analysis to improve my online course SEO strategy?

Competitor analysis can significantly enhance your online course SEO strategy by identifying the keywords your competitors rank for but you don’t.

By incorporating these insights into your content, metadata, and overall SEO approach, you can close the gap and even surpass them in search rankings, making your course more visible to potential students.


What strategies can I use to differentiate my course from competitors?

Focus on creating unique content that addresses specific needs, incorporating interactive elements like quizzes and live Q&As. Emphasize your unique teaching style, offer exceptional post-course support, and build a strong community around your course.

Highlighting these unique aspects will make your course stand out in the crowded online learning market.


How can competitor analysis help me find gaps in the market?

Competitor analysis can help you find gaps in the market by providing insights into what your competitors are offering and identifying areas they are overlooking.

By analyzing their course content, target audience, and marketing strategies, you can discover untapped opportunities and niches that are not fully addressed, allowing you to create unique and valuable courses that meet these unmet needs.


Can competitor analysis influence my pricing strategy for online courses?

Yes, competitor analysis can significantly influence your pricing strategy for online courses.

By understanding the pricing models and structures of your competitors, you can position your course competitively in the market.

This insight allows you to identify the right price point that reflects the value of your content, ensuring you attract students without undercutting your worth.


How can I keep up with competitors’ updates and new course launches effectively?

To keep up with competitors’ updates and new course launches effectively, set up Google Alerts for relevant keywords and follow your competitors on social media.

Additionally, subscribe to their newsletters and regularly visit their websites. This proactive approach ensures you’re always informed about their latest moves and can adapt your strategies accordingly.

Essential Tools for Competitor Research in Online Course Creation


When discussing competitor analysis for course creators, it’s clear that understanding your competition isn’t just a one-off task, it’s an ongoing strategy crucial for carving out your niche and ensuring your online course thrives.

From identifying who your real competitors are to analysing their strategies and finding your unique edge, every step is a leap towards success. Remember, the goal isn’t just to compete, it’s to stand out as a reliable option to help your potential students, get the result they desire. 

But understanding your competition is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you apply these insights to create a course that not only fills a gap in the market but also resonates deeply with your audience, providing them with unparalleled value.

Whether it’s through engaging content, a strong community, or innovative marketing strategies, the key is to always stay one step ahead.

Ready to transform these insights into action? Join us for our FREE Course Launch & Passive Income Masterclass, where will go through the 5 key areas in creating a successful online course. 

Whether you’re polishing an existing course or starting from scratch, this masterclass is the foundation that has helped our clients hit $607k in 18 months, and even 7 figure years. 

Click here to join for free

Post author:

Picture of Grantley Baugh
Grantley Baugh
Educator | Speaker | 20yrs Events & Social Growth Marketing

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How To Create A Profitable Course, Make Your First $10k, & Scalable Passive Income



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